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Soutien d’EurEcca à la France et aux valeurs que nous défendons

Dear friends, Dear colleagues,

Last Friday we have all been attacked barbarously. The murderous and utterly inhumane attack on our French brothers and sisters in Paris is a push towards the European heart. In our hearts and in our minds we from EurECCA show today our solidarity with our friends in France. We say: you are not alone in this difficult hour.
The Europe family that we are stands united in grief at your side.

The terrorists have attacked Europe: a Europe of indivisible values: a life in freedom and self- determination, a Europe of solidarity, of the equality of all people. A continent of tolerance, openness and diversity. Against all values that represent our cultural foundation, this attack is directed.
We stand together to defend those values and to carry them into the future. 

In a strong response to the terrorists, we are on guard, without betraying our values. We defend ourselves without being as our opponents. We demonstrate that our Europe and its values are stronger than any terrorist attacks; we are brotherly and sisterly together, now and in the future. Europe is these days and months once again at a turning point. We are encouraged us even more to join forces to defend our European values in a not always peaceful world. We want to develop a new way of political, cultural and economic unity.
To defend the European political and social design and to develop it furthermore. In addition to many aspects of life, this also includes the European social model. By this, Europe enables as many people as possible to live in participation.
We support this participation in the economic, cultural and social prosperity. Europe is it a continent of compensation, of cooperation and progress.

For EurECCA, violence will never be one of our values. Violence can never be an answer as it is always directed backwards! At the same time, we are fortified: to fight against inhumanity at any time. We from EurECCA stand together as a union of flight attendants with a clear European perspective. 

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

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