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Indecent Proposal


It's been more than 2 months that we are talking with the company to négociate our conditions. But on friday we receive the most indecent proposal, full of tricks to manipulate us and make us believe that is amazing BUT :

•    They are asking us to go revok our constitutional right of strike for 2 years, this is inacceptable.
•    They are modifing the way that they pay the complementary hour, which will make us loose money (not at all the purpose of negotiations)
•    They remove all retroactivity that was promised during several meetings.
•    The salary raise will be effective only if we have a decent roster (which may not be the case all year long)

The effort is coming only from our side

We have been extremely patient and comprehensive with them during our negotiation time because we understand that the time is difficult for Norwegian, we are in focus 2019 and we need to make an effort. But now they are showing us no good will and a real desire of fooling us.

Let's believe it was just a mistake !!!

We have rectified the proposal that they sent us to a decent one, removing all unacceptable elements and adding what we are supposed to have. We (CDG Cabin Crew) deserve way more than what they are offering.

Be ready Cabin Crew, we will have to show strength to the company! Together we are stronger ! 

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